Here Are the 10 Hardest Jobs . . . and the 10 Signs of a Hard Worker
Four out of five people say they work as hard as they can at their job every day.
But that being said . . . some jobs take a very different type of hard work. The survey asked people to name THE hardest jobs out there, and these are the top 10 . . .
1. Nurse.
2. Doctor.
3. Paramedic.
4. Police officer.
5. Firefighter.
6. Surgeon.
7. Healthcare worker.
8. Bomb squad.
9. Farmer.
10. Prison warden.
The survey also asked people for the signs of a hard worker at any job.
And here are the top 10 . . .
1. Helping coworkers when you don’t need to.
2. Always meeting deadlines.
3. Volunteering for work.
4. Always getting everything done on your to-do list.
5. Getting through more work than anyone else.
6. Getting in early.
7. Staying late.
8. Keeping a to-do list.
9. Never procrastinating.
10. Volunteering for meetings.