More “Good News” Stories from the Coronavirus Outbreak – Monday Edition
Here are a few more good news stories from the outbreak . . .
1. An elementary school teacher in Indiana built a flexible plastic barrier around her door . . . kind of Bubble Boy style . . . so she could safely give her students hugs.
2. A woman in New Jersey gave birth in late March when she was in a medically induced coma because of coronavirus . . . now she’s out of the coma, she’s tested negative for the virus, and she finally got to meet her baby right before Mother’s Day.
3. An anonymous donor paid rent for the month of May for a vintage record store in Tennessee.
4. Someone in Michigan took out a billboard to advertise that their favorite restaurant was still open for carryout and delivery . . . and the restaurant had no idea.
5. A post office in a small town in Iowa apparently found a postcard from 1987 while they were doing a deep clean for coronavirus . . . and delivered it. Yep, the guy who it was sent to still lived in town.