More “Good News” Stories from the Coronavirus Outbreak – Tuesday Edition
Here are a few more good news stories we’ve seen today . . .
1. Someone in Massachusetts spent $5,000 on gift cards to cover ALL the groceries bought during a store’s “senior citizen hours” on Saturday.
2. A customer at a restaurant in Houston left a $1,000 tip on a $19 takeout order, and the employees CHEERED when they found out. The owner says it’s a regular, and he called to let them know how much it lifted people’s spirits.
3. Brazil honored its medical workers on Sunday by using a projector to turn the Christ the Redeemer statue into a doctor.
4. A photographer in Minnesota is doing family portraits for people on their porches . . . and he’s calling them “Porchtraits.” In the past few weeks, he’s gone to 150 houses and taken free family photos for random people, all while social distancing.
5. A landlord in New Jersey who owns 12 different buildings isn’t charging rent until July. All he asks is that his tenants pay it forward by supporting local businesses.
6. A group of high school students in Canada created a free hotline to help cheer up senior citizens who are stuck in isolation. It’s full of pre-recorded jokes and uplifting messages from kids. The number is 1-877-JOY-4ALL.
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