The 10 Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions for 2020
Just 28% of Americans planned to make a resolution this year, and another 18% said they might. So what’s YOUR resolution?
Mine is to “Be Better”. Be better at my job, at eating healthy, being a parent…ect
Here are the ten most popular ones for 2020.
1. Exercise more. 50% of people who planned to make at least one resolution said exercise was on their list.
2. Save money.
3. Eat healthier.
4. Lose weight.
5. Reduce stress.
6. Get more sleep.
7. Stick to a budget.
8. Focus on your spiritual growth.
9. Travel more.
10. Learn a new skill.
The survey also asked how confident people were about sticking to their resolution all year. 29% said very confident . . . 48% said somewhat confident . . . and 20% said not very confident. Only 2% said they weren’t confident at all, despite the fact that just 7% of us stuck to our resolution last year.
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