The Average Person Is Buying Gifts for Six People . . . Here Are the Top Five Presents We Plan to Give
The average person is buying gifts for six people this year, and will spend just over $322 total. Here are the top ten types of gifts we plan to give . . .
1. Gift cards. They’re also the #1 thing people WANT this year . . . so at least something’s going right in 2020.
2. Clothing.
3. Fashion accessories.
4. Household items.
5. Food and drinks. Books, exercise equipment, and tech stuff also made the top ten.
The survey also found we end up disliking 17% of the gifts we get. Or about 1 in 6.
And one more stat: Just over 1 in 8 people have already FINISHED their Christmas shopping.
(Study Finds / YouGov)
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