The Most Iconic Fashion Items Include Levi’s Jeans, Ugg Boots, and Crocs
If anyone ever makes fun of you for wearing Crocs, just point them to this list. A new survey asked people to pick the most iconic fashion items of all time, and Crocs made the Top 10. Here they are in order . . .
1. Levi’s 501 jeans.
2. Levi’s denim jackets.
3. Nike Air Max shoes. (Are they really more iconic than Air Jordans?)
4. Ralph Lauren polo shirts. 22% of people in the survey said they’ve owned one.
5. Louis Vuitton bags.
6. Ugg boots.
7. Bomber jackets.
8. Converse Chuck Taylors.
9. Crocs.
10. Guess jeans.
A few more that ranked lower include Birkenstocks at #12 . . . Yankees baseball caps, 14 . . . North Face fleeces, 18 . . . Adidas tracksuit pants, 19 . . . and Abercrombie & Fitch T-shirts in 25th place.
I guess I am not very fashionable (SHOCKER). The only items I have worn are the 501’s and a pair of Guess shorts I bought at a thrift shop. Although I did own a sweet puffy Starter Jacket in the 90’s.