The New Emojis Coming Next Year Have Just Been Announced
The emoji rollout for 2020 was botched, like everything this year, because the timeline got pushed back for coronavirus. So we all still haven’t gotten this year’s new emojis, including things like a pinching finger hand, ninja, and mouse trap.
And because the emoji rollout cycle is behind, next year’s crop is pretty sparse. It’s mostly emojis of couples with a heart between them, with a huge mix of genders and races for those couples.
The other new emojis for 2021 are: A man and woman with a hipster haircut and beard . . . a heart wrapped in bandages . . . a heart on fire . . . a face with swirly eyes . . . a face in the clouds . . . and a face puffing out smoke.
These should hit our phones sometime next year.
(Here’s a picture of all the new emojis.)