Most People Think You Should Say “I Love You” Within the First Six Months

When you think about the big milestones in a relationship what’s the ideal timeline for all that stuff to happen?  Someone polled a bunch of people.  Here’s what they said . . .

1.  Saying “I love you”?  60% said six months or less . . . including 23% who said in the first month.  And 4% said in the first week.

2.  Meeting each other’s family?  The top answer was around three months in.

3.  First vacation together?  Most said within a year.  Six months was the #1 answer.

4.  Moving in together?  Around the one-year mark.

5.  Proposing?  48% said one to three years in.  Less than 10% said longer than that.

6.  Buying a home?  In a perfect world, one to three years.

7.  Having a baby?  Two years was the top answer.  But one in eight people said that waiting five years or more would be ideal.


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